4連装8×8 LEDは数ヶ月前購入したが、発表用タイマーを作りたい。
#include <SPI.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <Max72xxPanel.h> #include <time.h> int pinCS = D4; // Attach CS to this pin, DIN to MOSI and CLK to SCK (cf http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/SPI ) int numberOfHorizontalDisplays = 4; int numberOfVerticalDisplays = 1; char time_value[20]; // LED Matrix Pin -> ESP8266 Pin // Vcc -> 3v (3V on NodeMCU 3V3 on WEMOS) // Gnd -> Gnd (G on NodeMCU) // DIN -> D7 (Same Pin for WEMOS) // CS -> D4 (Same Pin for WEMOS) // CLK -> D5 (Same Pin for WEMOS) Max72xxPanel matrix = Max72xxPanel(pinCS, numberOfHorizontalDisplays, numberOfVerticalDisplays); int wait = 70; // In milliseconds int spacer = 1; int width = 5 + spacer; // The font width is 5 pixels void setup() { configTime(0 * 3600, 0, "pool.ntp.org", "time.nist.gov"); matrix.setIntensity(10); // Use a value between 0 and 15 for brightness matrix.setRotation(0, 1); // The first display is position upside down matrix.setRotation(1, 1); // The first display is position upside down matrix.setRotation(2, 1); // The first display is position upside down matrix.setRotation(3, 1); // The first display is position upside down } void loop() { matrix.fillScreen(LOW); time_t now = time(nullptr); String time = String(ctime(&now)); time.trim(); time.substring(11,19).toCharArray(time_value, 10); matrix.drawChar(2,0, time_value[0], HIGH,LOW,1); // H matrix.drawChar(8,0, time_value[1], HIGH,LOW,1); // HH matrix.drawChar(14,0,time_value[2], HIGH,LOW,1); // HH: matrix.drawChar(20,0,time_value[3], HIGH,LOW,1); // HH:M matrix.drawChar(26,0,time_value[4], HIGH,LOW,1); // HH:MM matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display delay(2000); display_message(time); // Display time in format 'Wed, Mar 01 16:03:20 2017 } void display_message(String message){ for ( int i = 0 ; i < width * message.length() + matrix.width() - spacer; i++ ) { //matrix.fillScreen(LOW); int letter = i / width; int x = (matrix.width() - 1) - i % width; int y = (matrix.height() - 8) / 2; // center the text vertically while ( x + width - spacer >= 0 && letter >= 0 ) { if ( letter < message.length() ) { matrix.drawChar(x, y, message[letter], HIGH, LOW, 1); // HIGH LOW means foreground ON, background off, reverse to invert the image } letter--; x -= width; } matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display delay(wait/2); } }
ほぼそのまま利用だが、Max72xxPanelだけが特殊で、github よりダウンロードして、ライブラリに入れる。
- https://github.com/G6EJD/ESP8266-MAX7219-LED-4x8x8-Matrix-Clock
- https://github.com/markruys/arduino-Max72xxPanel